A man once wrote, " The times they are a-changin"; they are indeed and always will be. But it is important to remember that it’s not the times that are changing, but people and their actions that make changes in the world. It’s also important to realise that we can be left behind if we do not take advantage of new technologies as they come along whilst not simply embracing new for the sake of new. We must apply Ethical (and legal) principles while doing Social Media (SM) with coordination and focus
The issue at hand is really one of Membership and Influence, forming a cohesive group and maintaining it at a level that will keep our “Organisation” ahead of the competition while being financially viable. This means recruiting new and possibly younger members. With our newly formed and stable group we can “influence”.

Here then are some notes I have made over the years in less than perfect order to help see the benefit of Social Media and the pitfalls that can occur if we are not careful and establish “rules”.

There are many avenues open to us such as work, family and recreation; all warm contacts, i.e. we know the people we approach, but there are also cold contacts, eligible persons whom we do not know but can be reached through Social media and the Internet in general. I highlight the fact we DO NOT KNOW these people because it if we are going to recruit good honest people, then we must be selective and build in a process with achievably high standards.

There is a temptation to consider Social Media as something new, and it is, but the principles when operating Social Media are not all new. In fact, clues to good operating procedures are already embedded in our society.
So, what is Social Media and how can we safely and effectively leverage it?
Its probably best to list websites which we can use to broadcast our Message and discuss Topics which are similar to our own:-
1) Facebook - speedy and two directional. Facebook will inform you if someone "posts" a message or a topic that interests you is available for viewing.
2) Twitter - Concise messaging or short "tweets"
3) Instagram - visual messaging
4) WhatsApp - cheap communication / with Social media aspects
5) Reddit - "traditional" discussion group
In this “guide” we will look only at Facebook as its FREE, easy to use and currently the most popular Social Media App (application) in the “West”, however it’s important to realise Facebook is not the only SM network and that sometimes other ones like Twitter are more valuable due to their brevity or speed of operation.

When creating Social Media Content, the advantage the group has over single individuals is that we have a membership through our common cause. Also this membership, is varied in outlook and skills. This makes for interesting content in the required quantity. It is important to recognise that when "posting" one's ideas, we 100% represent "The Cause" or "The Product", and as such content should be wholesome and adhere to ethical principles such as "no swearing or overtly attacking others". Remember we are not posting to show how clever we are, or for personal gain; we are doing it to garner members and influence; the “undecided”. You are never going to sway radicals who are opposed to your cause or product.

What is Viral Content? This is simply leveraging the Facebook "like and share" features. It works like this:- When a post is created you as the reader can choose to LIKE it or SHARE it with "friends". The more "friends" you have on Facebook, the more people that will see the same post you liked or shared. They in turn may also choose to LIKE and SHARE and so the number of views rise exponentially, assuming the content is interesting or fun. From this we glean the necessity of LIKING and SHARING our ports to stimulate growth. You should also be explicit and write things like "Please like and share this post if you like it" etc. While it seems crass, it works and reminds "friends" and others to comment and post; which gives you feedback on Your content or Their interest.

If you are using pictures your images should be 500 pixels across the top to 1600 pixels along the top. The Facebook rule is that all pics will be re-scaled to 500 (approx) along the top and only when they are clicked will the scale up to their original size.
Please do not use terrible pictures, pictures of children unless you have express permission to do so and any pictures that have "signs" in in them (or rude gestures). Similarly, if using video; no signs, external trademarks or copyrighted materials or forbidden words or swearing. Please be aware that Facebook (FB) is GLOBAL, so signs that are rude in one country may be perfectly acceptable in another. Also, NO “biased” religion or extraneous political content. Do not post pictures of rival products or causes or figures unless there is a VERY good reason for doing so. Similarly try not mention "external" or "rival" people by their full name. All that does is give then publicity and Search Engine “Points”. Do, however do the opposite for your "cause" giving our membership focus and use their full name along with POSITIVE descriptions. This will put them in a good light and higher in Google’s index.
Only use legal (non-copyrighted) material or ask the owner of the photo / image for permission to use it.

The picture at the top of your Fan Page (Cover Photo) should be 820 x 360 or it will be fuzzy-blurry or take a long time to load on mobile devices (phones ad tablets). NOTE that Facebook imposes a margin left and right of 90 pixels so don’t put important stuff left / right in the first 90 pixels. Slow load times are crucial if you use a video! Try to avoid video "headers" at the very top of the FB page.
Here is a RECENT, 2019 link to the header image in lots of detail. https://louisem.com/120414/facebook-image-dimensions

It’s important to make this FUN! It shouldn’t be a chore; people are actually smart and aware and negativity shows and must be avoided. While Facebook is easy to use, setting up a "fan page" or "business page" (same thing) you should find expert advice or read Facebook's own help sections. The one piece of information you need is that a Fan Page can only be created if you are already a member of Facebook. To be clear you are not permitted to set up a fan page if you don’t have an existing account. There are many, many videos on youtube and articles via Google. Just search for "How to Set up a fan page in Facebook." Here is the link in Facebook itself. https://www.facebook.com/pages/creation/
Next just click the button which says "create page" and follow the links and buttons for creating a page for clubs and Community things (as opposed to "for Businesses")

Scope is a decision you will have to make. Whether your page or group is just you (but adhering to the group’s rules). Or a Group entity, which can be OPEN or CLOSED. A closed group can only be posted to and looked at, if you are an authorised member. This is decided by an administrator to whom as a Facebook member to apply to join.  An open group is similar except anyone can post and look. Lastly you/we need to decide whether Groups are PERSONAL, TOWN, REGIONAL OR GLOBAL.  (Your own page, Just Glasgow, just Scotland or truly international)  or more ...

Politics, Religion and subjects like guns by their nature will attract diametrically opposed opinions, even violent responses. Note that Facebook can and will deal with extreme opinions and threatening posts, so to a certain extent we don’t need to be drawn into battle with "trolls". It is my opinion that one should not engage with any negative posts, and simply continue with the good work. You can of course block people who habitually “troll”. If you think you can GAIN from responding to a negative comment, then do so creatively and accurately. Do not invent statistics or exaggerate. Most definitely do not be aggressive and call the person names; profane or otherwise.

Its outwith the scope of this guide and illegal to advise professionally what is and isn’t legal on Facebook and other forms of Social Media. Just remember that Breaking the Law is the same on-line as it is in “real life”. So don’t make up stories or malign public figures you don’t  like. Make yourself aware of the terms Defamation and Slander. If the group has someone in the legal profession – use her or him as an advisor.

Nil? Yes, nothing but your own time and knowledge.

Let’s ask the question : "What happens if we don’t leverage the power of social media?"
The answer is that someone else will grab that audience, shape it, commanding their attention, leaving no space for us or anything else. Large organisations are desperately looking to garner a younger audience and “influence” them for profit and control.  By creating OUR Facebook Pages we are simply offering CHOICE and OPTIONS, we are not trying to force opinions on people; its more a case of informing them if they choose to seek out our message.

Technology is powerful, and as such must be handled with care. Be aware that when posting information about yourself you are filling up a dossier on your character and behaviour. I am not trying to put you off posting anything at all, just "be aware" of what you are saying and about whom. For example, when referring to a colleague simply use their first name NOT the usual form of first and last names, UNLESS they give you their explicit permission or they are a public figure etc. I know Facebook will try to be helpful by supplying both and a link to their social account, but just "backspace" and keep typing. It is also common on ALL social Media Sites to post images. Just remember with a modern phone, the image will be very, very detailed, enough for someone to easily read that a "new" driver license or bus pass you just got. Surroundings too can provide nosey people with all your customer details or job contacts (remember that whiteboard with all those new members and their assigned tasks in the background!).

Implementing Social Media on just Facebook, Twitter and Instagram can be (initially) a lot of work, and in the longer term being an ADMINISTRATOR of a GROUP or GROUPS can take up time and jam one's phone. . Should a PAID POST be created? Ask your group’s secretary. If your secretary is of a certain age and not familiar with Blogs and Vlogging, it’s probably too much work or beyond their skills. Maybe a slightly younger person would be more suited to the task under the guidance of the aforementioned "old dog". This has the extra benefit of two viewpoints: conservative and dynamic; experienced and keen to learn!

The use of professionals makes the finished product look and feel professional and comes with a professional looking invoice. While it would be lovely to hire a PR or Social Media agency, it is probably going to cost too much. If you can afford it – go for it! Just remember security.. you probably don’t want the opposition / rivals knowing your Social Media Strategy; it's valuable information!

99% of new members, join with little or the wrong knowledge of what your group is about and how it can directly benefit them. Describe , what the group / product is and how it benefits them, why you yourself got involved, and also tell people what activities you are engaged in. Keep it simple and don’t forget to highlight they can, and are very welcome to contribute too.

In conclusion I would leave you, dear reader of long essays, a quote from my daughter, echoing one of the more mature top Social Media "stars" Casey Neistat... "Dad, no one watches TV or reads newspapers any more. I watch Netflix and Youtube. I confer with friends on Facebook and Snapchat, I get my news from Reddit, and would prefer you dont call me on the "telephone app" unless in emergency.
Times certainly are - a - changin'.


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The site is copyright  © 2019 Calco UK Ltd - all work is original and cannot be copied in whole or in part without express written permission. The two external links and song titles are the property of their respective owners.

If you think the information is inaccurate, or you can think of a better song title(s) please let us know. https://www.facebook.com/CalcoUK/

Have a great life!